Email to Dr. Mario Sznol 4-27-2010
Dr. Sznol,
I just read your paper on test new agents in combination therapies. I would like you to take a look at a combination that I did as a stage IV Melanoma Patient under the care of Dr. John M. Kirkwood.
Melanoma: A model for testing new agents in combination therapies
It involves interferon alpha, DTIC + Patrin-2 , Anti-CTLA-4 blockade and HD interleukin-2. By doing these drugs in a systematic way, I was able to eradicate 40+ nodules in my lungs and others in the subcutaneous area of my back. Dr. Kirkwood thought I was a one off. Based on my 25 yrs. in the Kodak research labs as an analytical chemist, I was able to research why my treatment worked.
I would like to present it to you so you can expand on the knowledge and put it to practice.
Please don’t let it fall on deaf ears. We the patients need your help to think outside the box and push the Melanoma research to new frontiers.
Melanoma and The Magic Bullet (Monoclonal Antibodies)
Take Care,
Jimmy B
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