I am happy to support both your goals to help other patients and continue your own research and fight with Melanoma with a free subscription to the CureHunter Professional Research Interface.
You will be fully enabled with the same access that physicians and scientists around the world have by 12:00 pm PST today.
There is so much poor or biased health information on the web, that raising the profile of real science is always a good deed.
To login...go to the home page, use your registered name and password...then CLICK RESEARCH
on the black header bar to begin. Enter Melanoma in the query field, select specific type, and click: Data and graphs will auto populate your screen.
Attached is a 1-page Basic User Guide and a Physician Overview
Brochure with other views of the system's core utility and functions.
You probably don't know this, but CureHunter was built by a single family of scientists in memory of my brother Dr. Gene Schonfeld, Ph.D., who founded the first on line patient organization for those with terminal disease--including himself--1989, Kidney Cancer Association.
Gene, like yourself, was a great believer in empowering patients with knowledge and by vigorously learning about his own disease and fighting it passionately, he extended his own life by 11 years past the prognosis of death, established the Young Investigators Research Foundation, and went on to help many, many others around the world live longer and better lives: www.kidneycancer.org
I don't know how technical your own research background is, but last year my son Dr. Justin Schonfeld, Ph.D. Computational Biology, was invited to give his 4th university lecture on the CureHunter machine's ability to autonomously discover new cures for human disease in experimental settings.
lecture on the CureHunter
To explain CureHunter to a more general public/non-technical audience, last year we also put up a YouTube video, entitled "CureHunter's Brain on Breast Cancer":
CureHunter's Brain on Breast Cancer
The video explains how Network Graph Theory (a type of math for relating massive numbers of variables-- not unlike modeling social networking on the Internet itself) is used in CureHunter to discover functional clinical networks that illuminate potential new pathways and molecules for cures: TCP in our jargon = Transmissive Curative Packets.
Lastly, I have attached a copy of the Poster from my National Science Foundation conference presentation (2007) on the general systems biology theory of CureHunter, its plan to "instrument" biomedical knowledge, make it usable at the point of clinical care, and document results for all patients.
Please feel free to share any of the content of this note or the attachments with those you believe would be interested.
My best wishes to you and your family and thank you for fighting too. Everyone who does, helps us all by good example.
Judge Schonfeld
CEO and Chief Scientist
CureHunter Inc.
Take Care,
Jimmy B
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