Take away: Get your blood and tumors profiled for Biomarkers. It could lead you to the right therapy to do.
A table of:
Emerging biomarkers potentially useful for the immunotherapy of cancer.
A Table of:
Emerging biomarkers potentially useful for the immunotherapy of cancer.
Source:Emerging concepts in biomarker discovery; The US-Japan workshop on immunological molecular markers in oncology
Dr. Kirkwood give his honest opinion on the clinical trails to date and where they are heading in the future incliding Biomarkers.
Please take an hour out of you day to view and listen, It may save you or your love one from doing the wrong therapy.
Dr. Kirkwood talks about autoimmunity through out the presentation
NIH Scientists Discover Secrets Of Helper T Cells Involved In
Autoimmunity.... Th17 cells!!!!!!

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.
”~Charles Darwin~
Take Care,
Jimmy B

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