As you can see the combinatorial therapy of Anti-CTLA-4 and Interluekin-2 give the best complete response. I am convince that if they adjust the timing and dose, they will see an even higher response rate in overall survival.
The Making of an Immune Response by Combinatorial Therapy Using Anti-CTLA-4 Blockade and Interleukin-2
The paper that I am about to present to you is a culmination of research that was done base on my own experience as a stage IV Melanoma Patient. I wanted to know why my immune system responded and prove to myself and my doctors that it was not a statistical fluke. I dedicate this paper to all my fellow Melanoma Patients that lost their battle with the Beast, especially Bob Luker who fought so bravely but was unable to obtain Anti-CTLA-4 blockade due to the shortage proclaimed by Bristol Myer Squibb which halted compassionate drug use on 9-12-2008.
Most Melanoma tumors are accepted by the host’s immune system and progress even when they contain potentially antigenic proteins. This may be due to the tumor secreting immunosuppressive Cytokines like, TGF-Beta, IL-10, IL-4 and IL-6. TGF-β inhibits the proliferation and functional differentiation of T lymphocytes. TGF- Beta accelerates the expression of CTLA-4 by stimulated CD4+CD25– T cells. TGF- Beta requires CTLA-4 early after T Cell Activation to induce FoxP3 and generates adaptive CD4+CD25+ (Treg) Regulatory Cells. The tumor cells secrete TGF-Beta.
The Making of an Immune Response by Combinatorial Therapy Using Anti-CTLA-4 Blockade and Interleukin-2

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
~Charles Darwin~
Take Care,
Jimmy B

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