"Activatng the immune system is a relatively new model for attacking cancer, but it appears to be coming of age. While "true breakthrough" is a term rarely applied in most treatments, ipilimumab (proposed brand-Yervoy) may be just that for patients with melanoma."
Source:Yervoy (ipilimumab) melanoma immune-based therapy at FDA Feb 9, 2011
Yervoy, may become the new gold Standard in the fight against Melanoma. I hope Bristol-Meyer Squibb doesn't screw it up by overcharging for the Drug because there are many ways to jump start the immune system and Ipilimumab(Yervoy) is just one of them.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
~Charles Darwin~
Take Care,
Jimmy B

Thanks Jimmy,
ReplyDeleteI just found out about Yervoy today which led me here and to you. My heart goes out for the loss of your brother. When I was 17 in 1971 I had my first melanoma operation in Sloan-Kettering NYC. They gave me last rights and removed my right pectoral muscle. I lost my dad from the stress of my illness but pulled through and enjoy every day. New cancers have been treated over the years as I pay close attention. Thanks for your caring, vision and knowledge, Paul Loven, Scottsdale, AZ