"We are pleased to offer you in this website the following prediction tools for predicting the clinical outcome of an individual patient with localized or regional cutaneous melanoma. The prediction tools can be used to predict the 5 and 10-year survival rates from initial diagnosis (with a 95% confidence interval) for an individual patient based on his/her relevant clinical and pathologic information.
The predictive models were developed and validated using a combined database (n=28,047) from 11 major institutions and study groups participating in the development of the 7th edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Melanoma Staging System. This database includes 25,734 patients with localized melanoma and 2,313 patients with regional melanoma with relevant information available for model development. For detailed results regarding our prognostic factor analyses, model development and validation, please see the relevant manuscripts listed in the References section. Several additional useful prediction tools currently under development will be added to this website in the near future."
Source:The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Melanoma Staging System
Survival Prediction Tool
Now that you have your prediction, it is time to be proactive in your therapy to predict them wrong.
1) Find the best Melanoma Care center that is closest to you
2) Evaluate the Melanoma Oncologist
3) You want cutting edge therapy
4) Get the mutation profile of your tumors
5) Make sure you gather a team of experts
6) Don't take the wait and see attitude
7) Be your own advocate
Here is my prediction based on my intial evaluation.
Estimated Survival Rates
(95% Confidence Interval)
1-Year 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year
87% 76% 53.3% 44.1%
(79.9% - 94.8%) (65.3% - 88.5%) (39.8% - 71.4%) (30.5% - 63.7%)
Keep the Faith!!!!
Jimmy B
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
~Charles Darwin~
Take Care,
Jimmy B

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